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Have You Checked In On Your Brand Recently (Clone) (Clone) (Clone)

Branding offers a business the unique opportunity to transform their products or services by effective differentiation. Branding is also critical in attracting and retaining customers. Checking in on your brand is an essential process in ensuring your businesses branding continues to represent your products or services efficiently and accurately.

There are four key components in auditing a business:

  • Define how you want your business to be perceived
  • Organise your business based on this premise
  • Communicate your values
  • Be consistent. Be consistent. Be consistent.

A review of your branding needs to be actioned regularly, to ensure that all of these elements continue to be achieved. Just as you need to visit the dentist every six months for a dental health check, your business requires a full assessment of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Knowledge is power. The more current information your business takes charge of and acts on, the more accurate your brand analysis will become. It is also beneficial to contract out a brand review to a third party.

Handing over the reins to a growth expert allows for an entirely unbiased and objective audit of your branding to be undertaken. Here at Method, we provide this as a signature service, conducting our audits to survey your business's daily workings, from management to marketing, design, and social networking. Our analysis will make suggestions around brand positioning, equity and marketing strategies. We believe that a brand review should consider every element of how the brand is perceived throughout the team. We reflect on the essential parameters and demographics of your business compared to those of your competitors and partners, whilst considering stakeholders and growth strategies internally and externally.

Book a growth review, and receive some ‘quick win’ actions that you can take  to help you uplift your customer leads and measure the results!
Method focuses most specifically on time-sensitive issues, considering market trends and relevant political impacts, navigating long term goals whilst positioning and levelling your revenue and popularity against competitors of varying size. By doing this, we can pose challenging questions to you as to your future and development. It can be extremely difficult for you who run the company to critically review your branding from  an unbiased perspective. As qualified growth experts, we can identify when values and aesthetics are misaligned, offering solutions to how to resolve these inconsistencies from a design, marketing and social media management perspective. Brand inconsistencies can significantly weaken your reputation amongst clients. Brand architecture is also analysed to ensure names, symbols, colours, and visual vocabulary are intuitively linked to the consumer thought process. 

So why not book your free brand review with us today.

Let our team of experts help you devise a progressive strategy which will brand build and essentially add value and resilience to your business. 

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