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Should you use Threads for your business?

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Should you use Threads for your business?

Last year, Threads became subtly meshed into our Instagram feeds with ease.

With many avid Twitter users mourning the loss of their beloved app to the hands of Musk's 'X', Threads offered an alternative, striking the balance between Instagram and Twitter.

But how much momentum has it generated? Some small businesses might've held off from investing their time into it, waiting for the app to grow.

But as we've just bypassed the app's first birthday, what better time to review Threads as a potential tool for your social marketing?

Say hi to Instagram's younger sibling

It's (current) Instagram bio reads 'Powered by Instagram. Say more.'

Threads allows users to be a part of their favourite communities.

It takes all the content you post on Instagram and lets you use it to chat with your loyal audiences. It's still public posting, but it's more about connecting with your Instagram followers in a more personal way minus the noise of Insta traffic.

Threads is Instagram's afterparty, a VIP chat room for your brand. So rather than an separate marketing platform to work on, it's like an additional add-on for your Instagram marketing strategy, think of it as a giant group chat.

This can add tons of value to your marketing strategy, with benefits like:

  • Smooth integration between both apps 
  • More eyes on your Instagram content
  • Your Instagram audiences are already there, meaning you don't need to spend time attracting new audiences
  • Allows a more personable connection between your brand and your audience
  • Easy to share quick updates 
  • Deepens engagement and a furthers a sense of community around your brand
  • Allows more in-depth discussions around your brand, product or industry

What's the difference between Threads and X?

Both platforms produce a similar format but their purposes are pretty different.

X is for for real-time news, text-based interactions, and a wide range of professional and personal discussions. X leans into more of a live commentary on what's happening in the world, biased towards political content.

Threads is more for in depth discussions based around specific topics and nice communities. Think Reddit, without the anonymity.

So perhaps Threads is the platform for more lighthearted, pop-culture content aimed at Gen-Z-ers.

App feature  X (formerly Twitter)  Threads
Character Limit 280 characters 500 characters
DMs Users can send DMs to any account  (unsolicited) Users cannot send DMs
Video duration Up to 2 minutes 20 seconds  Up to 5 minutes
Audiences Visible to everyone Visible to followers
Ads Includes ads Ad free (for now)
Account set up Easy sign up  Users must have an Instagram account
Hashtags Users find content through hashtags  (trending content) No hashtags, which doesn't label conversation into specific boxes


How successful is Threads?

Threads gained momentum during its infancy, but the hype has reached a plateau. And like all new social app releases, it initially ballooned in popularity. Now the app has 175 million active users per month. Zuckerberg dreamed of hitting 1 billion users, but this doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon.

Perhaps it's a case of timing. Threads has arrived at a time where we're starting to correlate social media usage with decreased productivity.

This awareness could be dividing our attention towards the platforms that suit us most, to make our digital time better spent.

If that's the case, then Threads is great for communities that are built around niches. If you want to make your brand voice pivotal in a niche Gen-Z/millennial community, then there's certainly scope on Threads. If your buyer persona is 60+, and only logs into Instagram once a month then there's not much point.

Threads can deepen brand community

If your brand is active on Instagram and have a decent amount of followers proportional to your business size, then using Threads can make your followers feel more connected to your brand.

It's ideal for detailed discussions and visual storytelling, and gives audiences the space to get more involved with big conversations. Building these brand-audience relationships could snowball into more sales.

Is Threads really worth it?

Unless your Insta following is massive, Threads tends to get left at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to your avenues of social marketing.

But it's all about timing. So, think about what your business needs right now.

It's probably a good idea to jump on Threads if...

  • You're looking to create a tight digital community of loyal followers
  • Instagram is your main method of attracting leads
  • You've got lots of industry input, or something to say about your field
  • Your audiences are within the Gen-Z/Millennials bracket
  • There's scope to post lighthearted and personable content with visual hooks

How to use Threads for your business

If you download Threads, start by...

  • Sharing insider tips and information centred around your product/service
  • Using your Instagram content as a launchpad for your Threads content
  • Posting content relatable to your industry
  • Adding exclusive discount or promo codes for loyal customers 
  • Posting relatable and easy to consume content

Threads uses your Instagram content and audience. It's an added extra. If you've got a big Instagram crowd, with lots to say about your industry, then jump on Threads.

Not quite reached your follower/engagement target on Insta yet? Maybe wait and see how Threads grows before diving in. But it's seamless integration is so effortless, that not too much is at stake.

It's still a young app, so it's hard to tell exactly where it's headed.

X Rivals

The decision between Threads and X depends on your current audience, marketing goals, and the nature of your business.

It's simple: Prioritise the platform that your buyer persona hangs out in.

If your Instagram following is substantial, Threads might offer additional benefits. If your buyer personas are circulating X, then use it for broader reach and real-time engagement.

Whether you're a fan of using X or Threads (or neither), both apps can raise some interesting questions around where your business sits within the wider digital community.

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