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Anyone can take a snap but is that enough?

The ‘selfie’ is taking over social photography as people realise that their image is an important way of conveying themselves to the world. Most Twitter feeds and Facebook pages are filled with hundreds of photos of people who have taken a quick snap to record the event.

Quick snaps are great for an instant ‘like’ or retweet but they are not meant for the world of business.

In business, photography often takes a back seat as more and more people see digital photography as something anyone can do.

Branding is important; so is the image a company portrays on its website.

A quickly taken snap on the office camera, whether a headshot for the website or a product shot for a catalogue, may fill the gap but doesn’t look professional nor does it convey the company's professionalism.

There is little point in spending thousands, tens of thousands, or more on a company brand when it’s compromised by low quality photos of colleagues, products or events.

A good professional photographer complements your company brand by creating sharp, correctly lit compositions that will be attractive to your customers.

A company that wishes to convey a professional identity with photographs, requires more than just a quick snap!

We can offer event coverage, product photography, company image packages ie. head shots and office photos, and video packages, all tailored to your needs.