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Bad user experience

Bad User Experience, you hate it right? User Experience (UX) is the difference between the biggest and the most profitable companies, and the ones that just can’t seem to make it.

You know the feeling, you’re filling in a form online to purchase that latest gadget. You have entered all your payment details, delivery info and personal measurements; you hit 'enter' only to see all your efforts removed and replaced with an unhelpful red error message - informing you, that you have done something wrong! This is bad UX. When this happens, no matter what that company does in the future to improve, I probably won't trust it. I will question 'Did my payment go through?' If I fill the form out again will it work, or am I going to be charged twice? My confidence as a customer has lapsed and I’m now questioning everything provided by that company. Once this has happened to a user, it is challenging to repair the relationship.

I understand things like this can happen, but we should consider all the 'what if's'. In the above example, my form data should have been saved, and the messages I received should have been informative, explaining to me exactly what had happened to my form in plain English - if it had, I might have been more forgiving. This is good UX. Good UX helps when something goes wrong. The user isn’t left confused, and they know exactly what to do next to get them back on track. If this process is consistent thought-out, the user would become more attached to your brand.

Lousy UX design is like asking for a bad review; good UX design is pre-empting the criticism and getting it right in the first place.

Websites and apps shouldn’t be frustrating; they should just work and perform how you’d expect.

Contact forms shouldn't need your full name, hair colour, height and what you had for breakfast, they should just require the actual information that’s necessary for the particular task. If your website is clunky, hard to navigate and not aesthetically pleasing, people will head for the close window icon, and that’s business lost.
We hate bad UX, it’s unnecessary and not what we want to see when visiting your website or using your app. Luckily the team here at Method Design are fighting on the side of user-centric design and user experience, so if you want a site that gives clients and potential customers a good experience, we’re here ready with ideas and solutions that are right for you.