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Behind The Madness episode 34: Boosting website conversions

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Behind The Madness episode 34: Boosting website conversions

Hello, Method Mavericks! We're back with another enlightening episode of "Behind The Madness," your go-to podcast for peeling back the layers of marketing and business growth strategies. After some unexpected breaks we’re finally reunited. And yes, Jamie just dropped by for tea, but we couldn’t let him leave without sharing his fresh insights straight from his arctic adventures.

Episode 34: How to get more website conversions

Join James Roberts, the visionary founder of Method and our podcast host, alongside the adventurous Jamie, as they tackle a topic pivotal for any business with an online presence: transforming website visits into valuable customer actions.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • The customer journey unpacked: Understand why the journey your website visitors take is just as crucial as what you offer them. It’s all about making each visit count.
  • Declutter your website: James and Jamie discuss why your site should be as navigable as a well-organised backpack. Where everything has a place, and nothing is unnecessary. This approach isn’t just about looking good, it’s also about enhancing functionality.
  • Practical conversion tips: From creating compelling calls-to-action to optimising the strategic layout of your site, we explore adjustments that can transform your site from a mere digital presence to a conversion powerhouse.
    Stories from the field: Fresh from his travels, Jamie draws intriguing comparisons between surviving extreme conditions and simplifying website design for optimal effectiveness.

Why this episode is a must-listen?

Every business owner and marketer needs to know how to leverage their website effectively. This episode moves beyond theory into practical, actionable strategies that you can apply right now. Plus, the blend of light-hearted conversation and expert knowledge makes this not just informative but also incredibly enjoyable.

Join the adventure

Don’t let your website be just another URL in the vast internet wilderness. Tune into Episode 34 of "Behind The Madness" for real, actionable insights mixed with a dash of fun. And if you’ve got questions or need a bit more guidance, shoot us an email at podcast@hellomethod.co.uk We love hearing from our listeners and helping you navigate the digital environment.

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