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Plan for the future, you'll thank yourself

Get comfy, pop in your headphones and dial out the outside world, James is back with another episode of Behind the Madness. James brings in Jamie and Paul to help with the latest instalment of business insights.

In our latest dynamite podcast focussing on business strategy, SMART goals and how you can focus on the right customers, James, Jamie and Paul discuss the importance of buyer personas, planning and how business owners, entrepreneurs and heads of departments should be structuring their strategy. We break down the essentials to help keep things simple and effective!

Exploring how some businesses have failed by not looking to the future and why setting goals is a crucial step that is often missed by rushing ahead. Avoid falling into the trap of existing for the now, without an eye on the vision for the future, this episode will help future-proof your business and connect you closer to your community! 

Whip out a notepad, sit back and enjoy some tips on levelling up your business, 20 mins to shape your next 5 moves!

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