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The books on our desk

Being designers and developers we are surrounded by books, some on delving into the line-by-line code world, some on 'so called best design practices'. In this day and age, more and more information is covered on the web, but you can't beat flicking through a good book.

So what makes our office tick, what kinds of interesting, helpful guides keep us up at night or what do we read to take our thoughts off things...

Below are a few of our reads to shed some light into the minds of Method...

James - Design is a Job by Mike Monteiro:

One book that without sugar coating gives you great advice on how to run a design business.

Laura - Logo Type by Michael Evamy:

It's a great book of inspiration, showcasing various logos from corporate to culture to fashion. Colours and type are also discussed and the importance of marketability of your brand.

Martin - Javascript & jQuery by Jon Duckett:

A bit basic concerning the topic, but possibly the only code book, I have ever read front to back!

Paul - Staying on Track The Autobiography by Nigel Mansell:

An excellent insight into his life off the track and how it was to be driving in one of the most dangerous eras of motorsport. 

Marcus - How To Be F*cking Awesome by Dan Meredith:

This was an excellent short read with plenty of useful takeaways for personal and professional development. Really enjoyed the writing style too!