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What's in a name? How to decide your brand name

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What's in a name? How to decide your brand name

A brand name is more than just a sound. It sets the tone of your brand forever, and it represents everything your business stands for. It's your brand identity, all compiled into one sound.

Creating a memorable brand name is crucial for standing out, you want something that sticks.

Over time, your brand identity becomes attached to this sound. Your customers will become accustomed to the mental links associated with how your brand makes them feel, rather than the word itself.

Some brand names have become so ingrained into our day to day, that we now use their names to describe actions. They've become so popularised and consistently used, that they've become verbs.

Let's take Google, for example. We now use the world 'Google' instead of 'search.'

Google is so massively known that it's birthed it's own right in the dictionary.

It's the same with Uber, it's become equally as popular to say you'll Uber there, in the same way that you'd 'get a taxi'.

What's in a name?

A name is a code, a connotation, a mental link.

Your brand name is a code for your product, and your values.

It's the tag attached to your customer's experience with you, and it will represent everything you stand for.

Sounds to remember

Speaker manufacturing giant Sonos are a great example of a memorable, catchy name.

Their company name was Rincon Labs, their rebrand decided that this didn't roll of the tongue as well as Sonos.

Sonos is a palindrome, which means it sounds the same when said backwards.

The simplicity and the parallel of this name makes it memorable, simple and sharp.

As the word Sonos looks pretty identical upside down as it does the right way up, it's still easy to recognise the brand when installing the speakers at differing angles. This further anchors their brand name.

A good brand name is...

So what makes a decent brand name?

  • A brand name that sticks is...
  • Simple and uncomplicated
  • Easy to remember
  • Has meaning or is representative of something in your business
  • Contains short sharp syllables
  • Gives some idea of what your business sells

How to create a memorable brand name...

  • Understand your brand essence
  • Get creative with brainstorming strategies
  • Keep it simple
  • Check the availability
  • Test it out

Understand your brand essence

Before you brainstorm names, get clear on your brand's core values, target audience, and USP. Establishing the fundamental values of your brand will drive the naming process.

Brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm

Gather your team and start a brainstorming session. Aim for quantity over quality at this stage; you can refine the list later.

How can you best come up with a good brand name that sticks?

You might want to...

  • Write down anything that comes out, even if it's just sounds
  • Combine relevant words related to your product related to your product, story or industry
  • Use symbols or unique characters 
  • Consider alliteration, rhymes, or puns to make the name stick

Keep it simple

Aim for a name that's easy to spell and pronounce. Complicated names can be difficult for customers to remember or recommend. Keep it simple - you want it to be easy for your customers to remember who you are. Try using short, sharp syllables that roll of the tongue.

Check the availability

Clashing your brand name with another business of the same name can lead to some legal complications. Make sure your brand name is available so that you can claim it.

Test it out

Keep using the brand name in conversations and in writing. Is it catching on? Will it be memorable? Get feedback from potential customers, friends, and family. Their reactions can provide valuable insights.

Finalise and protect

Make sure the domain and social media handles are available for your chosen name. Also, conduct a trademark search to avoid legal issues.

Once you've settled on a name, register it and secure the necessary trademarks to protect your brand identity.

Build on your name

A great brand name is just the beginning. Consistent branding and delivering on your promises are what will truly make your name memorable.

Giving your customers a 10/10 experience is what will really make your brand name stick.

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